벌써 금요일
뭐 그랬던것 처럼 일마치고 플래기에서 칠링하고 알렉스 집으로 향했다. 무려 그릴드 마이티멜번 버거를 사들고~
토요일 앨리켓레이스 때문에 계속 술 적당히 마셔야지했는데 ... 워낙 약해서 조금마셔도 힘드네....
good morning
Fed square Freebie by Infiniti
busy in SAI
Easiest job ever. In fact it was wrong job obviously.
lunch sammich
After work on the way back home stopped by this huge factory shop!
copious Kangol hats
You know it's friday.
For dinner taking away Grill'd ~
Mighty Melbourne !
and Sat morning came.
breakfast of champions~! avo and egg toast, bacons!! and chili beans and tomatoes
bunning warehouse ! to get some stuffs for gardening.
How lovely
Second hand shop. (Bonanza)
Gin and lime
Peugeot is waiting for being fixed.
Gin and tonic and lime shit on the afternoon
Certainly with sunlight
and then I came to North, and raced the Alleycat. It was crap.
But at the starting point I dropped my coin wallet, I knew that when I got the first checkpoint.
Eventually I came back to the starting point, anyway fortunately I got the wallet back from Simon who is organized this event.
not bad.
How many $$$ of the lost child worth?
After race, film night.
Award! and beer and burger and hanging out
Came back home and in solitude I've had amazing Ramyun.